1. Access and Booking:
Profile Completion: Members must have all necessary profile information filled out before booking a session.
The correct address and mobile number are essential.
The Open Gym time slot can be booked up to fifteen minutes in advance through our online booking system. You
should arrive at the gym five minutes before your booking time.
Membership Card & Mobile Phone: All clients must have their membership card and mobile phone to access the gym.
To gain entry GENTLY hold your card against the keypad until the screen displays your mobile number.
You will then receive a text message containing a four-digit one-time access code.
GENTLY Enter your code using the keypad and press A to enter.
You have 10 seconds to enter the gym before the lock re-engages.
2. Gym Entry and Exit:
Door Checks: Doors need to be checked upon entry into the gym behind you and when exiting the gym to ensure that the door is fully
locked to prevent unauthorised access during or after your session.
Security Cameras: Please be aware security cameras are in operation at all times.
3. Equipment Usage:
Equipment Return: All equipment used must be returned to its designated location after use.
Equipment Maintenance: Regular equipment maintenance will be conducted to ensure proper functioning.
Please report any broken or damaged equipment straight away to ensure that they are repaired or removed
from use.
4. Gym Etiquette:
No Unauthorized Entry: Clients are strictly prohibited from allowing unauthorized individuals into the gym.
Music: You are welcome to use headphones as the use of speakers is prohibited in Open Gym to not disturb other users.
Personal Belongings: Please ensure that all personal belongings are collected before leaving as once the door
is closed you will not be able to re-gain access.
5. Cancellation Policy:
Please make sure to cancel any Open Gym times that you aren't able to attend for Health and safety purposes (We need to know who
is in the gym in case of emergencies)
6. Liability:
Liability: Fitness By Instruction is not responsible for any injuries or damage to personal equipment whilst members are using Open Gym.
By booking an Open Gym session at Fitness By Instruction, members agree to the above-mentioned rules.